Are you ready to remember who you really are? Would you like to tap into your body's wisdom?
Let's manifest your dreams!
What if all the time you thought you were "not enough", you were actually overqualified?
I suggest:" Direct inner experience of LOVE for our innate divine feminine energy,"Shakti" is a powerful path to break free from old programming. We create safe, BOLD, meditative spaces for wo/men to remember who we are meant to BE-Limitless!
You are Limitless!
Hi, I'm Staci.
Hello there, thank you for visiting!
I feel that our future depends upon the spiritual awakening of women and girls. Together we are claiming full Equality and Spiritual Sovereignty for Earthly women, as our birth right! We declare: Wo/men are sacred, our bodies are sacred, our work is sacred and sexuality is sacred!
I suggest that humans are here on this planet to consciously partner with wisdom, compassion and most of all Love. And NOW is the time for us to awaken to who we truly are! I suggest: You are the one you have been waiting for! You are a limitless being, and a powerful Creatrix. The truest deepest love is already within you.
Do you feel like you are awakening to a higher level of consciousness?
Would you like to co-create conscious high vibe relationships?
You are never alone, we are all in this together. As a Relationship Coach, I act as your ally to collaborate and amplify the highest version of your Self.
My custom coaching and meditation trainings support you in:
Observing, feeling then moving out of limited programming
Cultivating deeper levels of FEELING everything
Attuning to gratitude, presence & "Mother Earth"
Magnetizing Soul level passion, purpose, and community.
Attracting authentic "sacred partnership"
Developing FAITH that all of the Love is already within you
I create safe spaces based in deep listening and unconditional love, where growth and positive transformation naturally occur. If this resonates, I invite you to reach out for a chat.
All for Love,
Joyfully offering 1:1 custom Relationship Coaching, Sunday drop in Meditation and Manifesting Circles, as well as"Awakening Shakti"-8 session Intro to Shakti Tantra meditation training for women. "Awakening Shakti" 8 week Tantric Meditation group training for women, will be held Sundays (9/22-11/10 from 6:30-8pm) My services are designed to support you in nurturing your most important relationship-the one you have with your authentic SELF!

Custom Relationship Coaching/Collaboration (online or in person)
Sunday online, drop-in: "Intro to Goddess Meditation & Manifesting Circles"
9:30-11:00 am PST

"Awakening Shakti"
"Intro to Tantrik Goddess Meditation" online retreat for awakening women.
Intro 5/3-5/5/25
Collaborate with me! My direct, honest and customized approach is about supporting you in releasing layers of negative patterning, so you can remember who your are-Limitless! I act as your collaborative partner & ally supporting you in owning your passions and true power, while living your heart's unique vision & inner revolution towards deeper LOVE!
You are invited experience the power of our online collaborative Healing Meditation and Sharing Circle! Sundays from 9:30-11am PST. We create safe and bold space for supportive growth-oriented women. This Circle practices meditation, vulnerability, and manifesting, while participating in conscious empowered group support.
This safe & bold space is about activating YOUR innate divine feminine, and more Self love.
This 4 session Intro to authentic Shakti Tantra Yoga training is for awakening women ready reclaim alignment with their heart. We meet 5/3-5/5 Sat-Mon) to experience dropping our mind and opening our hearts! Together we practice meditation, learn about the Goddess within, practice grateful receptivity, and embodying divine feminine energy. Staci provides powerful tools and support, for you to OWN your authentic presence, & power. (Sat 5/3, Sun 5/4 in am, Mon 5/5 in pm)
What holds YOU back?
Modern humans are often stressed, burnt out, and juggling a lot:
We are externally FOCUSED in hustle culture, not listening to our heart or body.
We are BUSY often putting the needs of others ahead of our own.
We often do not take the time for a daily Self Care practices.
We have a deep desire to create a space for self compassion, sacred partnership, and need a positive community. Trauma from past relationships, "hustle" culture, and limited societal programming has led many of us into feeling overwhelmed, confused, disconnected and anxious. Sometimes we tell ourselves we are not "good enough", and feel alone or invisible. We often speak to ourselves like a harsh critic instead of our own best friend. This is the "old story"...
The new story is that our creative (life force), or frequency we call "Shakti" in yoga, is limitless and is the innate creative energy that is found within Everyone and Everything. My meditation classes and coaching sessions assist you in releasing old patterns and programming, by offering divine feminine tools to cultivate your creative energy in the present.
My customized online sessions empower you to create higher levels of inner trust, safety & connection by developing faith in your true SELF & body first.
I suggest: We must let go of who we think we are, so we can BE who we are meant to be!
All the Wisdom and Love you seek is already within you, when we show up as THE ONE, more LOVE will literally chase us!

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